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Splitting Image Taxidermy - We are Thoughtful

27 Oct 2017

Splitting Image Taxidermy: Thoughtful - Thankful - Thorough

At Splitting Image Taxidermy we are very proud to follow 3 very sound principles both internally with our staff, as well as with our clients from across the globe. These sound principles are found in the 3 "T's" of our company name Splitting Image Taxidermy.
Thoughtful - Thankful - Thorough

At Splitting Image Taxidermy we are very thoughtful of our clients and of one another. We are thoughtful of what is necessary so we can deliver the very best product to our clients in line with what they are anticipating.

We are thoughtful of every client, where they come from, who they are and what their circumstances are around the experience they have had with that one specific animal. It could be their first animal or a bucket-list animal. They could be old hunters who've waited a lifetime to hunt that one specific, beautiful animal.

Splitting Image Taxidermy always promises to be thoughtful of our clients and their needs to make sure the product we deliver is exactly what they come to expect.

From humble beginnings in South Africa, Splitting Image Taxidermy has grown into an internationally recognised Taxidermy and Trophy management company, with service agreements in place with selected taxidermists in North America and Europe.

After 15 years in service to hunters from across the globe, Splitting Image Taxidermy has expanded its service field to offer our valued customers quality assured choices of Taxidermist in North America and Europe respectively.

This global structure gives hunters the choice of studio based on their origin and ensures that standards are maintained and clients are offered the cost saving benefits of multiple points of contact within one reliable taxidermy network.

Service through streamlined precision is our commitment to you. Thank you for choosing Splitting Image Taxidermy.We take your business seriously and look forward to sharing in your amazing adventures."

"Monique; William Lee here, just a note to inform you that we picked up our Trophies on Thursday 9/7/2020. Thank you all for the excellent job, all are pleased with our trophies.  Larry and I we’re planing a July 2021 Safari, Hope to visit Splitting Image again when we do travel. Stay safe and best wishes."

William Lee